Last night I stumbled onto a movie I watched before, but it felt like the first time; really SEEING it from a completely different perspective.
“A quiet place Part 2”
Some might be familiar with this movie, and others not, so in short... it’s about creatures that attack people as soon as they hear any noise.
On my journey to find my inner peace and happiness I now practice yoga 5 times a week, learning about the beautiful connection between the mind and body.
I am now more aware, that when tension or anxiety is created in the mind, you immediately feel it in your body.
Your muscles tense up, breathing becomes shallower and your heart rate increases.
Living on autopilot, most people are not aware of these changes, and just get absorbed into the story your mind tells you.
Losing complete control and trying to run away from it, creating more noise.
Anyway, so let’s go back to the movie as an analogy to explain the severe complexities of the influence the mind has on the body and ultimately our hopes and dreams...
Imagine the “creatures” being all the negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, stress and anxiety that goes on in your head daily.
A constant white noise.
When you become more aware that they do exist, and they are out there, you can either decide to run and make more noise, suppressing them with the consequences of “them” eventually catching up to you.
Or you can decide to stay quiet, becoming completely still, concentrating on your breath and observing them as they turn around and walk right past you without doing any damage.
In the story the deaf girl (Millicent Simmonds) followed her intuition to “go beyond the sea” to find other people (in this case I imagine finding her true potential)
Fear and anxiety tried to hold her back as the other characters in the movie told her not to go as they feared for her safety, but her STRONG WILL and VISION that life can be better “beyond the sea” (beyond the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs) motivated her to move forward.
So let me explain what I have learned so far on how the mind and brain works:
The left side of our brain is our analytical brain. This is the part of you that is always trying to make sense of everything.
The part of the brain that is trying to control, manipulate and fix. This is the “noisy” part of the brain that causes the “creatures” to come out and create fears and desires, ultimately keeping you stuck in “fight or flight” or an “uncomfortable comfort” zone.
The right side of the brain is connected to feeling. I always say that it’s connected to spirit and linked to your intuition. Remember the times you just had a “feeling” about a person, situation or a decision you had to make. Those were usually the decisions that were always the right ones.
Living in a "quiet place" is learning to align these 2 parts to work in harmony together.
Letting go of needs and desires and living with the flow of life. Experiencing the beauty of life and not allowing the “creatures” to keep you from reaching your true self.
The SELF that was created to be happy and healthy no matter the noise that sometimes throw us off course.
Last night I just became so aware again, how 2 people can experience the same movie (life) but create a different story from it.
What do you want your story to be?
Are you ready to let go of your fears, self doubt and limiting beliefs and “go beyond the sea” to find your true potential.
Becoming quiet and listening to that whisper that says you
are good enough…
that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps139)
that you are created in HIS image (Gen1v27)
that there are plans to prosper you and not to harm you (Jer29v11)
And to be still and know (Ps46v10)
When other people doubt your dreams and goals, then you should you know your dreams are BIG enough
Cut out the white noise of this world, and make your pendulum swing in the middle.
Finding your centre.
Aligning your mind, body and soul
Living in the present moment
Living in a "quiet place"
Living healthy and happy ever after...