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My Journey
to Inner Peace

Michael Singer

Earth is a place where souls are sent to evolve.

My Story

A decade ago, I found myself on a friend's couch, eagerly awaiting the start of a New Year's Eve party. This was the life I knew—a cycle of beginning each new year with fuzzy memories, waking up to the aftermath of substances abused the night before, and drowning in guilt and shame. Sound familiar?

On that pivotal afternoon, seated on that couch, I picked up a women's health magazine and gazed in awe at the cover model—healthy, toned, strong, and proud. That last day of 2011, I made a resolution: no more mediocre New Year's Eves filled with intoxication and the hope of surviving to tell the tale.

A lot can happen in a decade. Two marriages, two divorces. Building a business, losing everything, and finding myself on the street with just a suitcase and makeup bag. Yet, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I grew out of my failures. As Harold Pupkewitz wisely said, "It's not the way you fall, but the way you get up."

Interior decorating was never my true calling; transformation was. Transformation of self, body, mind, space, and lives. Despite my passion for health and fitness, it took me years to put it into practice. Then, COVID struck.

Once again, I found myself on a couch, contemplating my future. Something was missing. Flipping through yet another Women's Health Magazine, I stumbled upon the enrollment form for a Health Coaching certification. A week later, I enrolled in a course that turned out to be the most challenging yet rewarding thing I could have done for myself.

After two arduous years—studying, writing over 180,000 words, completing 100 practical hours while keeping my interior decorating business afloat—I graduated in 2022. Recently diagnosed with adult ADHD, I now understand why this was no easy feat. Every step forward leads you in a different direction, helping you evolve into the person you aspire to be.

No more New Year's Eve parties for me; now, I use the evening to plan and reflect on my vision and where I'm headed. Life starts at 40, they say. So, I launched my health coaching practice at the beginning of this year, hoping to step away from the decorating world and pursue my true passion in health and wellness.

Isn't it strange how the journey to your vision doesn't always go as imagined? Life had a different plan for me, revealing more lessons to be learned before moving forward in the direction I want to go.

And now, I find myself here, ready to guide, inspire and motivate people to live a healthy life, encouraging them to improve their energy and vitality through healthy lifestyle habits, enabling them to be more and do more.

In conclusion, this is what it means to live life on purpose—to take that first step in chasing your dreams, to learn to let go, allowing life to happen for you and not to you. Striving daily to become a better version of yourself is the essence of living with purpose.


Ready to embark on a transformative journey with me?


Health Coaching Essay Words

Practical Hours

Health Coaching Toolboxes

My Mission

I firmly believe that we were created not just to survive but to thrive, to live a life filled with passion and purpose. Energy, the very essence of everything, is the key to unlocking our fullest potential—mentally, emotionally, and physically. Without the necessary energy, we are unable to manifest the life we were meant to lead.

My mission is to guide and support my clients in elevating their energy levels, paving the way for a healthy and sustainable way of eating and a balanced lifestyle. I am deeply passionate about helping individuals live the life of their dreams, encouraging and motivating them to prioritize their health above all else. Together, we embark on a journey to be more and do more, fueled by the emotional power that comes with embracing a life filled with vitality and purpose. Let's thrive together.

My Method


I commence our journey by introducing the transformative Blood Sugar Balancing (BSB) way of eating, establishing a solid foundation for a healthier life. Together, we navigate the process of crafting personalised meal plans, serving as the catalyst for your newfound lifestyle.

The BSB way of eating is designed to harmonize your physiology, yielding results such as weight loss, enhanced body composition, improved sleep, increased energy, and a newfound sense of confidence.


Over a comprehensive 10-week period, we delve into proven coaching tools to identify and overcome barriers, unlocking your full potential.


This journey is not a quick fix; it's a commitment to a new way of living, tailored to facilitate gradual habit changes from your current point.


Our focus is on revving up your emotional, mental, and physical energy, guiding you to become the improved and empowered version of yourself.


Let's embark on this transformative path together!

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