We all have that voice inside our head; commenting on everything that happens in and around us

You know that voice…say HELLO in your mind

Yes…that’s the voice I am talking about

So now that you are aware that you can wilfully make it say something, you are also aware that it can also operate on autopilot

It’s through this voice, your subconscious mind, and your senses that you experience and perceive the world around you.

The reason why love, health, joy, happiness & success can mean different things to different people.

Why a sunset can be experienced and described diversely by various individuals.

This voice can either be your friend or you greatest enemy if you allow it to…

I have a kiddies gate between the lounge and the bedrooms of my house to separate my dogs from my cat, and honestly to give myself some me-time…

If you own a Labrador, you will know what I am talking about…they don’t have boundaries

When I am spending time in the lounge I will leave the gate open to allow Misha (my cat) to roam freely…

but she never does.

She will only sit in front of the open gate, not stepping a foot outside of her comfort zone.

Like most of us, Mischa also experienced trauma when she was younger, finding herself stranded in tree when a storm broke out.

And since that day she never left the constraints of her safe space.

In this same way our mind sets limits on our true potential as a result of trauma experienced

You create a belief around situations that has caused pain, difficulty and vulnerability that will keep you “safe” in the prison of your mind.

A prison is safe, but it’s not comfortable

Opportunities to break free from this prison will arise, but your mind will make up a story that you are undeserving, unworthy, not strong enough, not beautiful enough.

Not enough…

Or out of fear. Fear of failing…again.

Or it might be fear of actually succeeding.

All in the attempt to keep you “safe.”

To avoid pain, to preserve energy.

To keep us physically imprisoned, your body will follow the instructions of the mind by creating habits that keep you stuck

Swinging the pendulum from the one extreme to the other.

All in an attempt to keep us from facing our fears. Turning your back on reality.

Staying in a comfort zone.

Sticking to what is familiar.

Keeping you body and mind stuck, holding onto thoughts and experiences that doesn’t serve you.

Creating the “over” syndrome.

Overworking, over drinking, over eating, over socialising and overindulging in bad habits

Keeping you stuck in the same type of destructive relationships and same type of unhealthy situations.

Then there is your heart energy centre. The one that ultimately drives you. Where our feelings are generated.

You know the saying: “I believe it in my heart…” or “my heart is broken”

If your heart is full of love, joy, happiness, peace & inspiration then you feel fuller. More switched one. Stronger, more alive.

You can take on the world. Set bigger goals and pursuit greater challanges.

We all had our hearts broken more than once…notice how every time this happens, you all of a sudden “don’t FEEL like” anything

Motivation is crushed and instantly you lose your drive and sense of purpose

Yesterday I saw Mischa sitting in front of the open gate…again.

Contemplating the ifs, I could see in her eyes she wanted to break free from this prison.

She mustered all her courage together…and did it!

She casually walked across the open gate and lovingly came to lie next to me.

Feeling accomplished. Breaking free from the familiar. Progressing and evolving.

Moving forward….

Mind, heart and body coherence will result in a greater drive and purpose.

Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself…

What does my heart really want?

What do I believe I deserve?

What’s story am I telling myself that is keeping me stuck?

Is this story true?

How is this story affecting my true potential?

What advantages are there to holding onto this story?

How can I change this story to make it more real and have it align with what I believe in my heart is true?

What is the biggest step I can take to move forward?

What benefits will taking this single step have to me and those around me?

Now repeat after me…

I believe in my heart that I am strong. That I am beautiful. That I am capable.

I deserve to live the best life ever.

I am worthy of of love, health, happiness and prosperity

Feel it. Believe it. Live it

Break free from the prison of your mind and let you heart lead the way...

THRIVE for Coach J


