It’s been 6 months now, being on this journey of finding unconditional happiness.
Finding me. Finding my centre.
Not being pulled into external circumstances but to stay grounded with my inner awareness. My inner being. My true self.
Like any journey in life, this is yet another journey with no true destination.
It’s a journey of self-discovery every moment of every day, because every day you get the opportunity to completely re-invent yourself.
To become a better version of who you were yesterday and then getting to know this new you all over again.
This intention of finding my centre only acts as a lighthouse. Providing direction in which I need to navigate my life towards a better version of me.
Change is inevitable, and this can include everything from your mood, you circumstances, your relationship, your finances, the weather, your likes and dislikes.
Why do you change when things around you change?
And how can we better navigate through this world of change without getting completely absorbed in it?
In yoga we learn to relax into the poses.
The more you relax into being in an uncomfortable pose, the deeper you can stretch while focusing on your breath.
Starting to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.
As soon as you tense up, trying to control the pose, it feels harder.
This is when you start limiting yourself…
When you get on the yoga mat, you start with setting your intention for the practise, and this is how we should start everyday.
Setting your intention is like driving a car. It gives you direction.
If you get into your car, you don’t allow the car to steer itself. You will be off the road in no time, hurting yourself and perhaps people around you.
If you set your intention of getting up and feeling positive throughout the day, or it might be to eat healthy meals. Perhaps you want to wake up earlier to journal/mediate.
Or maybe you aspire to leave the office 30min earlier to spend quality time with your family.
Yes, things may come up, you get into a traffic jam, your alarm failed to go off, your colleague is celebrating her birthday and brought cake to work...
If you allow the intention to change, you weaken your willpower.
Setting your intentions is the driving force behind your will power and the more you practise it the stronger it will become.
The intention should be to not change when things around you change. To allow the YIN and YANG of life to happen without throwing you off course.
Didn't manage to wake up earlier...don't judge yourself or try to control it. Just relax into what is holding you back and try harder tomorrow morning
The taxi driver managed to upset your day...don't try to control the situation, become aware of it, focus on your breath and let go of the experience
Bring your ATTENTION back to your INTENTION to stay on course.
By reacting to the outside world in fear, anger, jealousy, overwhelm, even being impatient, you give the power over to the outside force...limiting yourself
The more you move with grace and ease the more you are able to push past your limitations.
Improving your ability of embracing hardships and discomfort
Decide what you do want and what you don't want
Decide what you are willing to do and what you are unwilling to do to get it
Decide what you are going to say YES to and what you are going to say NO to
You don't get the life you hope for, you get the life you create...
THRIVE with Coach J