How time flies when you are navigating through the rapids of life. Since life is our greatest teacher it took me on a journey of intensive training of all the lessons I so passionately speak of for the past 5 months. In amazement I experienced just how perfectly imperfect God created all of us. Being human means we have setbacks, we make mistakes, we fall and we get back up again. We endure challenges and so often we even invite and welcome challenges all in the pursuit to become better…faster….stronger.

I have recently been reminded again of how acknowledging our failures is one of the greatest aspects of being human. Realising that you are on the wrong path. Realising that you want to be different…that you want to do better. Realising that you are going the wrong way Realising you have to course correct and then taking the necessary steps to become the version of yourself you have always envisioned to be Let's take a minute to fully understand what realisation means...

REALISATION: an act of becoming fully aware of something as fact Realisation is the first step in creating the life you want. Realisation is becoming conscious of the world you live in. So let me explain... On a trip to Cape Town recently, I inserted a destination into my Garmin devise and for some reason ended up at a different location. When I stopped to reflect on where I made the wrong turn, I realised everything happened so quickly…I didn’t pay attention.

I was overwhelmed by head noise and street noise and missed the turn. I lost focus. Has it happened to you that you were driving to a destination and on your arrival realised that you have no idea how you got there? Living on autopilot…overwhelmed with head noise and external influences and not paying attention to what has happened around you. This so often happens in life… We get engulfed by goals, to-do’s, expectations, deadlines, fears and desires. We don’t pay attention and we miss the turn. We end up at a completely different location as planned and quickly become aware that we have no idea how we got there.

We all make those wrong turns…life happens so quickly, we lose focus and neglect to pay attention Till one day you stop to reflect and hear that quiet whisper of wisdom and intuition telling you that you have to re-route dear darling…you are going the wrong way Remember the days you were so active and healthy and now hardly ever get time for a walk Remember those vows on your wedding day and now you hardly have 3 words to say to each other Remember the days when you were actively spending time with God and now can’t remember the last time you spoke to Him Dear Darling…realise you have made a wrong turn and you need to re-route On finding myself lost in CT I quickly made use of the re-routing function on my device Now being aware that I have to pay closer ATTENTION to my surroundings I arrived safely at my destination.

The wrong turn landed up taking me on a more scenic route I discovered later I think the purpose in the wrong turns are to look for all the hidden blessings. The wrongs turns are necessary They can take you to places you have never seen before. Meeting new people, experiencing different challenges, teaching you an important lesson…making you stronger; helping you grow They are part of your “becoming” They make life perfectly imperfect.

The wrong turns are always there to teach us something so embrace them for what they are:

♡ They teach us to start paying ATTENTION ♡ They are an opportunity for NEW POSSIBILITIES.

♡ They are a reminder to course correct. To recreate your VISION if you don’t have one or revisit your vision if you lost direction.

♡ They are a constant reminder to stay FOCUSED.

♡ They are a REFLECTION of who you are and who / what you want become.

♡ They are a reminder that there is always BEAUTY in the chaos in this thing we call life. So welcome and embrace all the wrong turns, failed relationships, failed careers, failed attempts to lose weight and failed attempts to kick a bad habit. Be aware of the beautiful mess you are in.

It’s in this mess that you realise who you truly are. In this mess you get a glimpse of your full potential. In this mess you learn, you grow and you become open and humble that life will always have another story to tell, another lesson to teach and another experience to add to your understanding and wisdom

Matthew 6:34 Give your entire ATTENTION to what God is doing RIGHT NOW, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.

God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Expect nothing and accept everything….to be continued



